All your site are belong to us!

Links and comments from some drunken crackers in Bloomsburg, PA with the help of weirdos from all over the world.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A nice collection of toilet and urinal screenshots from computer games. Why ask why?

Two words: Anal Bleaching.

At first I thought that this modular alarm clock project which includes a module that wakes you by cooking bacon would be pretty cool...then I realized that it only cooks a single slice or two. Oh cruel world!! When they perfect the "pounder" model, give me a call!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Oh...and the 2056 issue of The Onion is a must see. One again, their politics are questionable but there is some damned funny stuff going on over there!

I know, I know! Me no update LONG time! Sorry...just the way it is. Been doing the Net thing so long that it all looks boring to me anymore. But, I found a good timewaster for you all...a new South Park Character Creator. All the old ones are gone and this one simply kicks ass...they did a great job with it. The damned thing almost looks like me!