All your site are belong to us!

Links and comments from some drunken crackers in Bloomsburg, PA with the help of weirdos from all over the world.

Sunday, September 21, 2003

A bunch of wonderful "Norse-ery Rhymes" that probably won't amuse you much if you aren't somewhat conversant with Norse mythology...I think they're an absolute hoot!

Oki Loki

Okey Loki changed to a fly
Okey Loki flew up to the sky
all the poor Aesir
cursed the mistletoe bane,
couldn't bring Baldr to life again.

Good King Lif

Good King Lif
Woke up in a jiff
After the blast of Ragnarok;
He called for his stead
And he called for his bread
And he called for his brewer's hock.