All your site are belong to us!

Links and comments from some drunken crackers in Bloomsburg, PA with the help of weirdos from all over the world.

Monday, July 26, 2004

A news tidbit from across the pond...

Three teenagers have appeared in court charged with the murder of a 17-year-old boy who police believe was killed with scythes.

The body of Terry Lee Hurst was found near Broomhead Reservoir, in Sheffield, on Tuesday.

He had suffered stab wounds, slash wounds, fractures and bruising.

Great. Every time there is a shooting over there they somehow manage to blame the U.S. for it's lax gun laws, now we're going to get hammered for not forcing the Amish to register their farming tools.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

I'm not really sure what to make of this...

TAC* is the best compression format available for the web today! By using revolutionary scientific methods, research teams at RSG and the Beige Programming ensemble were able to a compose a complex software tool that expels many of the myths that surround modern file compression techniques. The secret of TAC compression is not that it makes files smaller, but that it makes files bigger, much bigger. This provides the end user with a compression tool to meet almost any need in today's bandwidth and gig overloaded computing world.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Eskiv is a very simple yet VERY frustrating little game. I managed (finally) to score over 100 and then racked up a 165...can you do better?