All your site are belong to us!

Links and comments from some drunken crackers in Bloomsburg, PA with the help of weirdos from all over the world.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Can a person having sex be expected to temper his or her exclamations? Miss Manners or someone like that would certainly say so, but I myself am not so sure. That is, if there’s ever a time we should be released from this sort of social obligation, it’s during sex. I mean, not to get too personal here, but there was this one time in my own life, fairly recently in fact, when I happened to produce quite a bit of noise while coming; I don’t know how much noise exactly, I was coming at the time, but let’s just say a lot, however much a lot may be – enough to rouse everyone in the building. Should I have contained myself? Should I have toned it down a bit? Ideally at least, I think I should have, as some of my neighbors no doubt wondered if I was in my death throes; a person coming like that can sound like he’s in his death throes. Unless of course he’s saying things a dying person would never say, such as, ‘Oh baby, don’t stop, I’m getting my cookies.’

Not exactly the sort of thing I excected to read in the midst of piece that begins "Dear Apple Computer"!

Saturday, June 21, 2003

What do you get when you combine a tabletop, large amounts of salt, a steel spatula, one garden-variety slug and way too much free time? Why, The Maze of Pain of course! BTW, that's one smart slug...

Friday, June 06, 2003

Spastic Chess is a bizarre sort of varient on regular chess. Very bizarre. it's implemented in Flash and you'll have to have a partner to play...there is also a bit of an adaptation to the rules. First, there are no turns, you both move your pieces as fast as you can (as long as the moves are legal by standard chess rules.) Second, although checkmate is still a guaranteed way to win it is not the only way. When your king is merely in check he begins to loose "hit points" until you remove him from danger - if any king is in check enough to remove all of his hit points, you win that way also.


Wednesday, June 04, 2003

  • Fact: Every year over 2 million square miles of pubic hair are clear cut or torn out by the roots, much of it in virgin and "old growth" stands.

  • Fact: As recently as 650,000 years ago, 97% of the human "landmass" was covered with a rich, endless, impenetrable thatch of gently swaying pubic hair, stretching as far as the eye could see.

  • Fact: In modern times, pubic forestlands have shrunk to a few out of the way musky cracks, crevices, and lowland areas. Now, these precious areas too are under attack.

  • Fact: Pubic hair generates 53.3% of the libidinal oxygen we need to breathe heavily, and provides the subconscious motivation for 49% of all social, economic and aesthetic endeavor.

This one is straight out of the "what the fuck" files..."The Crisis in Pubic Hair" - An anguished and passionately argued polemic for the return of pubic hair.